New pricing for clients and contractors

New pricing for clients and contractors

The new price will depend on the contractor’s tax status and the company’s 3-month turnover in Solar Staff. Russian companies working with the self-employed and individual entrepreneurs will pay the least.

For businesses, the price of the service will be 4-9% of the transaction amount. The lowest rate of 4% will apply when working with the self-employed and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the company’s monthly turnover in the service.

When working with individuals, businesses will be able to reduce the fee by increasing their companies’ average turnover in Solar Staff over the past three months:

  • Up to RUB 2,999,999 — 9%
  • RUB 3,000,000 to RUB 11,999,999 — 8%
  • RUB 12,000,000 and up — 6%

When setting a task, a business can pass on part of their service fee (1% of the transaction amount) to the contractor, whose remuneration will then decrease by that 1%. This will reduce the company’s fee by 1% to 3–8%, the exact rate depending on the contractor’s tax status and that company’s turnover in the service.

For contractors, there will no longer be withdrawal commissions. Instead, the client may choose to pass on part of their service fee to the contractor. In this case, the contractor’s remuneration will be reduced by 1%, which will go towards decreasing the client’s fee.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at